Friday, May 23, 2014

Chapter 3

Athena and Rusty were excited to bring home their new baby boy Grayson. 
He is brave and loves the outdoors. 

Rusty was very proud of Athena and how well she has been doing lately. He was secretly worried though that the stress of having a baby would bring about her panic attacks again. 

Fable is growing beautifully.

She taught herself how to make an igloo.
It came out great!

Grayson was a happy toddler, always laughing and smiling. 

Grayson being such a wonderful little guy made things a lot easier for Athena. 

She enjoyed spending time with him and teaching him a his skills. 

It seemed as if everything was going perfect and Rusty couldn't have been happier. He believed their lives were finally on the right track. Steady income was coming in now between all three of their jobs. They were able to remodel the kitchen and add another room to the house. 

Then things started taking a slow turn for the worse. 
The washing machine went out and Zinerva just left it instead of helping with the mess. She just left it for Athena to deal with when she got home knowing that Rusty wouldn't have time to fix it with all the daycare kids there. 

Then their house got robbed. Luckily they had installed an alarm system in the house and the robber was caught. However that didn't help with the unsettling feeling of having a stranger in your home. 

The robbery brought on Athena's first panic attack in almost a year. 

She did practice her deep breathing and it helped a little. 

Grayson was growing bigger and bigger. He seemed to be a great help in keeping Athena in a good space. He was now walking all around the house keeping everyone on their toes. 

Zinerva started in on Athena again. She knew her panic attacks would come back. She started laying in to her about how she was going to drag her family down with her mental instability. 

It seemed as if no matter what Athena did she would never be good enough for Zinerva. 

Athena started having panic attacks more often after Zinerva cornered her in the kitchen. She was doing her best to hide them though and often ran outside to do her deep breathing exercise. 

Zinerva didn't know that she was the cause of most of Athena's breakdowns. All Athena wanted was for Zinerva to accept her. She was an only child and after the sudden death of her parents she had no one except for Rusty. If she had not been with Rusty when she heard the news of her parents death she may not have made it to the mental hospital. Rusty saved her life and Zinerva did everything she could to make it worse. 

Athena started spending the night out in the igloo that Fable made. Rusty didn't like her staying out there on her own so he would spend the night out there too. Rusty would often ask if her staying out here had anything to do with Zinerva, Athena would always say no. She didn't want to come between them. 

Today was Fable's birthday. Rusty had tried to get a hold her her mother but she was not responding to any of  his communications. Rusty had to let her know that she wasn't coming and Fable seemed to be okay with it. 

She went to her room to rest up for awhile. 
She looked so peaceful while she slept.

Fable suddenly awoke feeling really strange. It was time for her to change in to a teenager. Rusty and Athena rushed in to the room to cheer her on. 

She definitely looks from out of this world. 

Zinerva was not home to see her age up. She has decided that she really hates living with Athena and has been spending as much time as she can away from the house. 

Whenever Zinerva does come home Athena is always outside doing her deep breathing. Just the sight of Zinerva now sends Athena in to a panic attack. 

When Zinerva is gone Athena is perfectly fine. She spends a lot of time talking with Fable. Fable loves to watch TV so Athena often sits and chats with her. 

Fable loves spending time with her little brother. 
He just squeals and giggles every time she picks him up. 

Now that Fable is older she no longer requires sleep. She now has to replenish her brain power. So while everyone else is sleeping she sits on the couch and replenishes her mind. 

She can also use her knew found brain power to fix things around the house. 

This is a side of her that she has not shared with her family in fear of them thinking she was a freak. Fable thinks it's time she tracks down her mother so she can be with her own kind. Now Fable just need to figure out how to get a hold of her.

1 comment:

  1. Gayson is a cutie :D Athena and Zinerva need seperating 0.O Its a shame that Fable's mother is not responding to Rusty's communication :(
