Monday, December 23, 2013

Chapter 1

This lovely home is at 225 Archer Avenue in Storybrook County. Athena and Rusty decided to move here after Athena had a mental breakdown and spent some time in the mental ward. Upon her release the psychiatrist recommended that they move to a more serene and peaceful town. 

Rusty's sister Zinerva was not happy about him packing up and leaving everything and everyone behind for Athena. So Zinerva decided to tag along and help them out with the move. Once she got to Storybrook she fell in love with the town and decided to stay indefinitely. 

The house they could afford was very small and it took almost all their money combined to buy it. I guess no one told them living in a town like this came with a hefty price tag. The house is sat on a few acres of land so once they are able to save some money there is plenty of room for them to expand. 

Athena has gotten a job at the police station so that she wouldn't be stuck at home all the time and could meet new people around town. Rusty decided to open a daycare so that he could be home and available for Athena should she have another breakdown. Zinerva kept on with her lifelong passion of creating potions and registered as a self-employed Alchemist. 

Athena was so nervous about her first day of work that she started hyperventilating. She got out her handy dandy paper bag and did her deep breathing the doctor suggested. When she still seemed to be on the verge of needing to go to the hospital Rusty decided he would try and distract her. 

A romp in the sack is one thing that always pulls Athena back from the edge. Fully satisfied and calmed down...Athena lays in bed and cuddles with Rusty until it was time to head to the office. 

Since they didn't have much left in savings Rusty was not able to buy many things for the daycare. So he decided to only take a few toddlers for now until he could afford to buy more equipment for the children. 

Zinerva made the atmosphere in the house a little uncomfortable for everyone. Not being happy still that Rusty was married to Athena. 

Zinerva ended up spending most of her time out of the house collecting ingredients for her potions. She discovered that they lived down the street from an Alchemist shop and started spending her days there. 

In less than a week of moving to Storybrook Rusty was abducted by aliens while everyone was sleeping. 

Oh you poor man...what did that alien do to you?

When Athena found out what happened to him she tried to make him feel better. Doesn't he just look smitten!

Needing to buff up on some skills the whole family went to the library to read some skill books. It was a really beautiful area so they decided to sit outside. 

The next day Zinerva tried out a new potion she learned and ended up turning herself in to a toad. 

What the hell is wrong with your stomach Rusty? Those damn aliens must have done some freaky stuff with you. Now if only you could remember. 

Athena still loves you even though your stomach glowed green and you are getting fat. 

Rusty is so good with the daycare kids...he is going to make a great daddy to that thing growing in his belly. 

Someone is about to pop even though he doesn't really look

Oh's glowing again....and looks is going on here!

He doesn't look like he expected to have a baby come out of...well thin air I guess. 

Meet baby Fable

In less than two sim weeks the family had an unexpected addition to the family. Rusty decided to keep the child since her mother is elderly and once Fable was born Rusty couldn't imagine his life without her. 

*Storybrook County can be found at My Sim Realty    


  1. Oh wow. An alien baby! Still not had one of those :( Can't wait to see how they handle this, I wonder is it'll push Athena over the edge?

    1. I have only had alien babies when I cheated but go figure I get one the natural way when I really didn't want

  2. Oh my. Athena's unstable, Rusty had the first child and Zinerva doesn't like her brother's marriage to Athena, how lovely lol. This should be pretty interesting!

    1. I never meant to put a story to this legacy but it kinda just came out as I was typing in a back story....Now I need to finish thinking it through so I don't leave everyone hanging with what I have started....story wise.

  3. Alien baby - lol This is very interesting - but I'm very puzzled about something - the paperbag thing - HOW did you do that?! I've never seen that before in game.

    1. If you have ITF you get the unstable trait and it is one of the thing unstable sims can do. I thought it was pretty awesome the first time I saw a sim do that.
